perm filename ALLCON[DIS,DBL]5 blob sn#227302 filedate 1976-07-19 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00007 00002	.ASEC(AM's Concepts)
C00010 00003	.ASSEC(Initial Concepts)
C00014 00005	.ASSECG(Anything)
C00016 00006	.ASSECG(Any-concept)
C00018 00007	.ASSECG(Active)
C00020 00008	.ASSECG(Object)
C00022 00009	.ASSECG(Relation)
C00023 00010	.ASSECG(Logical-combination)
C00024 00011	.ASSECG(Structure)
C00026 00012	.ASSECG(Structure-of-Structures)
C00028 00013	.ASSECG(Ord-Structure)
C00029 00014	.ASSECG(Unord-Structure)
C00030 00015	.ASSECG(Multiple-elements-structure)
C00032 00016	.ASSECG(No-multiple-elements-structure)
C00033 00017	.ASSECG(Empty-structure)
C00034 00018	.ASSECG(Nonempty-structure)
C00035 00019	. ASSECG(Sets)
C00038 00020	. ASSECG(Bags)
C00040 00021	. ASSECG(Lists)
C00042 00022	. ASSECG(Ordered-pairs)
C00045 00023	. ASSECG(Osets)
C00047 00024	.ASSECG(Insert)
C00049 00025	. ASSECG(Set-insert)
C00052 00026	. ASSECG(Oset-insert)
C00055 00027	. ASSECG(List-insert)
C00057 00028	. ASSECG(Bag-insert)
C00059 00029	.ASSECG(Delete)
C00062 00030	. ASSECG(Set-Delete)
C00064 00031	. ASSECG(Bag-Delete)
C00066 00032	. ASSECG(List-Delete)
C00068 00033	. ASSECG(Oset-Delete)
C00071 00034	.ASSECG(Intersect)
C00073 00035	. ASSECG(List-Intersect)
C00075 00036	. ASSECG(Oset-Intersect)
C00078 00037	. ASSECG(Set-Intersect)
C00081 00038	. ASSECG(Bag-Intersect)
C00083 00039	.ASSECG(Union)
C00085 00040	. ASSECG(List-Union)
C00087 00041	. ASSECG(Oset-Union)
C00089 00042	. ASSECG(Set-Union)
C00091 00043	. ASSECG(Bag-Union)
C00093 00044	.ASSECG(Difference)
C00095 00045	. ASSECG(List-Diff)
C00097 00046	. ASSECG(Oset-Diff)
C00099 00047	. ASSECG(Set-Diff)
C00101 00048	. ASSECG(Bag-Diff)
C00103 00049	.ASSECG(Conjecture)
C00104 00050	.ASSECG(Atom-obj)
C00106 00051	.ASSECG(Truth-value)
C00108 00052	.ASSECG(Operation)
C00111 00053	.ASSECG(Compose)
C00114 00054	.ASSECG(Canonize)
C00116 00055	.ASSECG(Coalesce)
C00120 00056	.ASSECG(Restrict)
C00122 00057	.ASSECG(Invert-an-operation)
C00124 00058	.ASSECG(Inverted-op)
C00125 00059	.ASSECG(Parallel-replace2)
C00127 00060	.ASSECG(Parallel-replace)
C00129 00061	.ASSECG(Repeat2)
C00131 00062	.ASSECG(Repeat)
C00133 00063	.ASSECG(Parallel-join2)
C00135 00064	.ASSECG(Parallel-join)
C00137 00065	.ASSECG(Reverse-ord-pair)
C00139 00066	.ASSECG(Last-element)
C00141 00067	.ASSECG(First-element)
C00143 00068	.ASSECG(All-but-the-first-element)
C00145 00069	.ASSECG(All-but-the-last-element)
C00146 00070	.ASSECG(Member)
C00148 00071	.ASSECG(Projection1)
C00150 00072	.ASSECG(Projection2)
C00151 00073	.ASSECG(Identity)
C00153 00074	.ASSECG(Predicate)
C00155 00075	.ASSECG(Object-equality)
C00157 00076	.ASSECG(Constant-predicate)
C00158 00077	.ASSECG(Constant-True)
C00159 00078	.ASSECG(Constant-False)
C00161 00080	.ASSEC(Concepts never fully implemented)
C00164 00081	.ASSECP(Concepts and Heuristics as coded in LISP)
C00166 00082	. ASSSEC(The `Compose' Concept)
C00190 00083	. SKIP TO COLUMN 1 ASSSEC(The `Osets' Concept)
C00193 00084	.ASSECP(Concepts created by AM)
C00199 ENDMK
.ASEC(AM's Concepts)

.TURN ON "{}"

The  first part  of  this  huge  appendix (Appendix  {ASECNUM}.1.2  to
{ASECNUM}.1.{[3]LASTCON}) lists  the set of knowledge AM started with:
its initial concepts.  It is not very readable, nor is it  central to
any of  the ⊗4ideas⊗* on which  AM is based. The  reader is therefore
warned to proceed at his own risk through this material.

Section  2 of  this appendix  contains a  brief description  of those
concepts  which  were   only  partially  implemented  in   AM  (e.g.,
"Destructive-op").   It was decided not  to give each of  them a full
"box" of their own.

The third part of this appendix lists a couple concepts as they  were
actually coded  into  Lisp. The  reader is  shown which  entry --  or
heuristic rule -- each bit of Lisp code corresponds to.

Finally, starting  on page {[3]NEWCLIST}, a list  is provided of some
of the  concepts  which AM  created.   This  is  intended not  as  an
exhaustive catalog, but  merely to show the breadth of  what was done
by AM, the smart guesses and the lunacies.  This list could have been
pieced  together  by studying  Appendix  {[2]  EXAM2},  wherein  some
examples of AM in action  are given. There the reader may dynamically
observe what kinds of concepts -- and infer what kinds of entries for
⊗4their⊗* facets -- AM was able to derive from its initial base.


.ASSEC(Initial Concepts)

<<Order these the same way as ALLHEUristics appendix. >

.TURN ON "{}"

Each concept will be listed, followed by a description of the entries
in each  of its facets$$ Each of these  entries was supplied by hand,
by the author. $.  For  each such "slot", a condensation is  provided
(in English, LISP, and math  notation) of all the knowledge initially
supplied to AM about that facet of that concept.

If there  is any unmentioned facet for a concept, then it started out
blank.  Many of the  facets of the original concepts were  left blank
intentionally, knowing that  AM would be able to  fill ⊗4them⊗* in as
well. After all, if you can fill in examples of any new concept,  you
ought to be able to fill in examples of Sets!

The concepts are  grouped semantically, much  like the tree  shown on
page {[3]TREECON},  like the order in which  heuristics are listed in
Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}.  This section of the appendix is prefaced by an
index which is  arranged alphabetically, since the primary  use of it
will  probably be  as an encyclopedia.  When the  reader encounters a
poorly-named or  poorly-explained concept somewhere  in the text,  he
may  wish to glance  first at  Chapter {[2]KNOWL},  page {[3]BRIEFC},
where  very  brief  definitions  of  the  concepts  are  also   given
alphabetically.  If that "dictionary" is insufficent,  he can turn to
the  appropriate page  in  this appendix,  and see  the  same concept
presented in much more detail.

.TURN ON "{∞→";
@1           @*@7Index of Initial Concepts⊗*
. ⊃

MBOX	Name(s): Anything, Entity, Thing, Item $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Non-Recursive, Trivial, Quick: λ () T $
MBOX	Specializations: Any-concept, Non-concepts $
MBOX	Generalizations: none $
MBOX	Examples: Anything, Any-concept $
MBOX	Isa's: Any-concept $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
FBOX	Interest: 5 heuristics (see Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}.{[2]A4ANYTHING}, page {[3]A4ANYTHINGI}).$$
In general, this appendix will omit heuristics. They will instead be presented
in one big collection, as the next appendix. For each concept, we will however 
mention how many heuristics of each variety are present. The interested reader may
turn immediately to Appendix {[2]ALLHEU} if he desires, to see those heuristic 
rules. $ %
MBOX	Sugg: 5 heuristics $
FBOX	In-domain-of: Delete, Insert$$
All four specializations of each of Delete (e.g., Bag-delete) and Insert 
(e.g., List-insert) are also listed here. $, Member, Proj1, Proj2, Identity, Constant-pred. %
MBOX	In-range-of: First-ele, Last-ele, Member, Proj1, Proj2, Identity. $


MBOX	Name(s): Any-concept, Any-Being, Anybody $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Non-Recursive, Opaque, Quick: λ (x) FMEMB(x,Concepts) $
MBOX		Non-Recursive, Opaque, Quick: λ (x) GETP(x,Name) $
MBOX	Specializations: Active, Object $
MBOX	Generalizations: Anything $
MBOX	Examples: Anything, Any-concept, Active, Object $
MBOX	Isa's: Anything, Any-concept $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
FBOX	View: to view any X as if it were a Y, find an op. whose domain contains$$ 
That is, the domain of the operation is D1xD2xD3..., and X is a subset of some Di,
a specialization of Di. $ X, %
MBOX		and whose range is contained in Y, and apply that op. to the given X. $
FBOX 	Fillin: 39 heuristics (see Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}.{[2]A4ANYB}, beginning on page {[3]A4ANYBINGF}).$$
As usual, the heuristics are listed in Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}, not here. But the
reader is forewarned that this concept has so many heuristics that they are
grouped by facet in the next appendix, occupying 
Appendices {[2]ALLHEU}.{[2]A4ANYB}.1 through 
{[2]ALLHEU}.{[2]A4ANYB}.{[2]A4ANYBLAST}, pages 
{[3]A4ANYBINGF} to {[3]A4ANYBLASTP}. $  %
MBOX	Check: 20 heuristics $
MBOX	Interest: 21 heuristics  $
MBOX	Sugg: 30 heuristics $


MBOX	Name(s): Active, activity, action $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Sufficient, Non-Recursive, Quick: λ (x) GETP(x,Algorithms) $
MBOX		Sufficient, Non-Recursive, Quick: λ (x) GETP(x,Dom/range) $
MBOX	Specializations: Predicate, Relation, Operation $
MBOX	Generalizations: Any-concept $
FBOX	Examples: none.$$ Recall that each active will be an example of
an operation, predicate, etc., hence need not be pointed to explicitly here. $ %
MBOX	Isa's: Any-concept $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Constructive, Destructive, Coalesce, Compose, Restrict $
MBOX	In-range-of: Compose, Coalesce, Restrict. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX 	Fillin: 7 heuristics. $
MBOX	Check: 4 heuristics $
MBOX	Interest: 3 heuristics  $
MBOX	Sugg: 10 heuristics $


MBOX	Name(s): Object, static concept, Passive $
FBOX	Definitions: none.$$ Recall that all this means is that computationally,
any entity x is considered to be an Object iff it is an example of some
Specialization of this concept. Thus the list (3 A NIL) is an object, because
it is a List, and List is one Specialization of 
Structure, and Structure is a Specialization of Object. $ %
FBOX	Specializations: Structure, Atom-obj, Conjecture$$
This should be `Statement', and that concept should have Conjecture as a
specialization, along with Theorem, Falsehood, etc. This was never fully
implemented in the AM code, however. $ %
MBOX	Generalizations: Any-concept $
MBOX	Examples: none. $
MBOX	Isa's: Any-concept $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Object-equality $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
FBOX    (⊗4No heuristics⊗*)$$ The paucity of heuristics here attests to the
little that structures, statements, and atoms have in common. They are merely
non-actives. There is much that does not apply to any of them (see the Active
and Operation concepts), but very few rules of thumb applicable to all 3 of 
them. $ %


MBOX	Name(s): Relation, relationship. $
MBOX	Definitions: none.$
MBOX	Generalizations: Active $
MBOX	Specializations: Logical-combination $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	View: To view an operation F as a relation, consider it as the set of all ordered $
MBOX		pairs, a subset of Dom(F)xRan(F), containing <x,y> iff F.Defn(x,y). $
MBOX	NOTE: This concept exists in only rudimentary form in AM at the moment. $


MBOX	Name(s): Logical Combination, Boolean relation. $
MBOX	Definitions: none.$
MBOX	Generalizations: Relation $
FBOX	Examples: Conjoin, Disjoin, Imply, Negate$$ These aren't coded separately as
concepts in AM, yet. $ %
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX	Check: 1 heuristic $
MBOX	Interest: 3 heuristics  $
MBOX	Sugg: 2 heuristics $
MBOX	NOTE: This concept exists in only rudimentary form in AM at the moment. $


FBOX	Name(s): Structure, Data-structure, sometimes:$$ 
That is, the user might erroneously type `List-structure' when he really
means any kind of structure. $  List-structure. %
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Necessary, Non-Recursive, Quick, Opaque: λ (x) LISTP(x) $
MBOX	Specializations: Ord-struc, Unord-struc, Empty-struc, Non-empty-struc, $
MBOX		Multiple-elements-struc, No-multiple-elements-struc, Struc-of-strucs. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Object $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Insert, Delete, Member, Empty, Nonempty, Difference, Union, Intersect, $
MBOX		Parallel-replace(2), Parallel-join(2), Repeat(2). $
MBOX	In-range-of: Insert, Delete, Difference, Union, Intersect. $
MBOX	View: To view any entity x as a structure, insert x into an empty structure. $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX 	Fillin: 2 heuristics. $
MBOX	Interest: 2 heuristics  $


MBOX	Name(s): Structure-of-structures, struc-of-strucs. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) Empty-struc.Defn(S) or $
MBOX			[Structure.Defn(S) and z←Member.Alg(S) and Structure.Defn(z) and $
MBOX			  Structure-of-Structures.Defn(Delete.Algs(z,S))]. $
MBOX		Declarative PC: λ (S) Structure.Defn(S) and (∀xεS) Structure.Defn(x). $
FBOX	Specializations: none.$$ 
AM specialized this by replacing each of the two calls on `Structure.Defn' 
inside Struc-of-strucs.Defn
by a call on the 
definition of a single type of structure,
thereby creating, e.g., Bag-of-Sets, List-of-Osets, Bag-of-Primes, etc. 
These specialized concepts were then kept around so, e.g., the sample traces
in Chapter {[2]RESULT} and in Appendix {[2]TRACES} sometimes refer to them.
Also, this concept and its specializations can be discovered independently by AM,
using heuristic rule number {[3]SRI1} (see Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}) to form a new
interesting type of structure.
$  %
MBOX	Generalizations: Structure $
MBOX	Worth: 300 $


MBOX	Name(s): Ord-struc, Ordered Structure, sometimes: List-structure. $
MBOX	Definitions: none $
MBOX	Specializations: Osets, Lists $
MBOX	Generalizations: Structure $
MBOX	In-domain-of: First-ele, Last-ele, All-but-first-ele, All-but-last-ele. $
MBOX	In-range-of: All-but-first-ele, All-but-last-ele. $
MBOX	View: To view any unord-struc as an ord-struc, do nothing to it, or permute it. $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX 	Fillin: 2 heuristics. $
MBOX 	Check: 2 heuristics. $
MBOX	Interest: 1 heuristic  $


MBOX	Name(s): Unord-struc, Unordered Structure, sometimes: Collection $
MBOX	Definitions: none $
MBOX	Specializations: Sets, Bags. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Structure $
MBOX	View: To view any ordered-struc as an unord-struc, SORT it. $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX 	Check: 1 heuristic. $


MBOX	Name(s): Multiple-elements-structure, Mult-ele-struc, sometimes: Lists. $
MBOX	Definitions: none $
MBOX	Specializations: Lists, Bags $
MBOX	Generalizations: Structure $
FBOX	In-domain-of: none.$$ There are many special functions which can only make
sense for multiple-eles structures, e.g., Remove-α1-occurrence(x,S), versus
Such operations have not yet been coded and added to AM. $ %
MBOX	View: To view any nonmult-struc as a mult-struc, do nothing to it, $
MBOX		or: copy some elements inside it a random number of times. $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX 	Fillin: 1 heuristic. $


MBOX	Name(s): No-Multiple-elements-structure, Nonmult-struc, sometimes: Sets. $
MBOX	Definitions: none $
MBOX	Specializations: Sets, Ordered-sets $
MBOX	Generalizations: Structure $
MBOX	View: To view any mult-struc as a nonmult-struc, eliminate multiple elements. $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $


MBOX	Name(s): Empty-structure, Empty struc, sometimes: phi, NIL. $
MBOX	Definitions:  $
MBOX        	Nonrecursive quick opaque: λ (x) NULL(x) $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (x) Structure.Defn(x) and NOT(Member.Alg(x)). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Structure $
MBOX	View: To view any structure as an empty-structure, repeatedly apply Delete. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $


MBOX	Name(s): Nonempty-structure, Nonempty struc, sometimes: structure $
MBOX	Definitions:  $
MBOX        	Nonrecursive quick opaque: λ (x) LISTP(x) $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (x) NOT(NOT(Member.Alg(x))). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Structure $
MBOX	In-range-of: Insert $
MBOX	View: To view any structure as an Nonempty-structure, Insert it into itself. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $

. ASSECG(Sets)


MBOX	Name(s): Set, Class, Collection $
FBOX	Definitions:$$ A surprising idea, which fell out naturally while
designing the entries for the definition facets of Sets, Bags, etc., is that
the differences between these structures is not in their definition so much as
in the particular operators which work on them. Thus all 4 kinds of structures
appear to have syntactically similar concepts, even including their definitions.
The reader must examine, e.g., the definition of Bag-insert and Set-insert to
discover the real differences between  the 
Set and Bag
structures which AM knows about. $ %
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) (S=α{α} or Set.Definition (Set-Delete.Alg(Member.Alg(S),S))) $
MBOX		Recursive quick: λ (S) (S=α{α} or Set.Definition (CDR(S))) $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S) (Match S with α{...α} ) $
FBOX	Intuitions: none at present.$$ Several nice intuitions were originally 
provided, then scrapped when ALL intuitions were excised from AM. $ %
FBOX	Specializations: Set-of-structures$$
This concept was synthesized by AM, but was then left `permanently' in place. $  %
MBOX	Generalizations: Unordered-Structure, No-multiple-elements-Structure $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Set-union, Set-intersect, Set-difference, Set-insert, Set-delete $
MBOX	In-range-of: Set-union, Set-intersect, Set-difference, Set-insert, Set-delete $
MBOX	View:  To view any structure as a Set, do: λ (x) Enclose-in-braces(x) $
MBOX		To view any predicate as a Set, do: λ (P) S←α{α}. $
MBOX			Forall x in Examples(Domain(P)): If P(x) then Set-insert.Alg(x,S). $
MBOX	Worth: 400 $
MBOX	Sugg: 1 heuristic. $
MBOX	Interest: 1 heuristic. $

. ASSECG(Bags)

MBOX	Name(s): Bag, sometimes: Multiset, sometimes: Collection. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) (S=( ) or Bag.Definition(Bag-delete.Alg(Member.Alg(S),S))) $
MBOX		Recursive quick: λ (S) (S=( ) or Bag.Definition (CDR(S))) $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S) (Match S with (...) ) $
.ONCE TURN ON "↑↓_{}[]";
MBOX	Specializations: Bag-of-structures⊗7↑[{BNN}]⊗* $
MBOX	Generalizations: Unordered-Structure, Multiple-elements-Structure $
MBOX	Worth: 400 $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Bag-union, Bag-intersect, Bag-difference, Bag-insert, Bag-delete $
MBOX	In-range-of: Bag-union, Bag-intersect, Bag-difference, Bag-insert, Bag-delete $
MBOX	View:  To view any structure as a Bag, do: λ (x) Enclose-in-parens(x) $

. ASSECG(Lists)

MBOX	Name(s): List, List-structure, Vector, Tuple, n-tuple, Sequence, Ordered-bag $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) (S=< > or List.Definition(List-Delete.Alg(Member.Alg(S),S))) $
MBOX		Recursive quick: λ (S) (S=< > or List.Definition (CDR(S))) $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S) (Match S with <...> ) $
MBOX	Generalizations: Ordered-Structure, Multiple-elements-Structure $
MBOX	Specializations: Ordered-pairs $
MBOX	Worth: 400 $
FBOX	In-domain-of: List-union, List-intersect, List-difference, List-insert, List-delete.$$
There are many special functions which can only make
sense for lists, e.g., this one: `Between(x,S)' which returns
a list of all elements lying after the first occurrence of x in S, but before the
second occurrence. Such operations have not yet been coded and added to AM. $ %
MBOX	In-range-of: List-union, List-intersect, List-difference, List-insert, List-delete $
MBOX	View:  To view any structure as a List, do: λ (x) Enclose-in-angle-brackets(x) $

. ASSECG(Ordered-pairs)

MBOX	Name(s): Ord-pair, Opair, Ordered pair, 2-tuple, sometimes: i/o pair, pair. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative: λ (S) There exist x and y such that S=<x,y>. $
MBOX		Nonrecursive opaque: List.Definition (S) and CDR(S) and Null(CDDR(S)). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive slow: λ (S) List.Definition(S), and S≠<>, and z←Member.Alg(S), $
MBOX			and S←List-delete.Alg(z,S), and S≠<>, and y←Member.Alg(S), $
MBOX			and List-delete.Defn(y,S,<>). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (S) (Match S with <←x,←y> ) $
MBOX	Generalizations: Lists $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Reverse-ord-pair $
MBOX	In-range-of: Reverse-ord-pair $
MBOX	View:  To view any entity x as an ordered pair, consider the pair <x,x>. $
MBOX	View:  To view an example of an active concept F as an ord-pair, construct the $
MBOX			pair whose first element is a list of the arguments to F $
MBOX			[or: THE argument to F, if there is only one], and whose $
MBOX			second element is the value of F on those arg(s). $
MBOX	View: To view an (ordered) structure S as an Opair, consider the pair whose $
MBOX			first element is some member of (the first member of) S, and $
MBOX			whose second element is all the remaining members of S. $
MBOX	View: Transform the ordered structure (a b...c) into the Opair (a b) or (a c). $

. ASSECG(Osets)

MBOX	Name(s): Oset, Oset-structure, Ordered-set, sometimes: Set. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) (S=[ ] or Oset.Definition(Oset-Delete.Alg(Member.Alg(S),S))) $
MBOX		Recursive quick: λ (S) (S=[ ] or Oset.Definition (CDR(S))) $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S) (Match S with [...] ) $
MBOX	Generalizations: Ordered-Structure, No-multiple-elements-Structure $
MBOX	Worth: 400 $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Oset-union, Oset-intersect, Oset-difference, Oset-insert, Oset-delete $
MBOX	In-range-of: Oset-union, Oset-intersect, Oset-difference, Oset-insert, Oset-delete $
MBOX	View:  To view any structure as a Oset, do: λ (x) Enclose-in-square-brackets(x) $



MBOX	Name(s): Insert, Insertion, sometimes: Add, Merge; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (x,A,B) [determine the type of structure that A and $
MBOX			B are, say S, then use S-insert.Defn(x,A,B)]. $
MBOX		Necessary, Nonrecursive, Quick: λ (x,A,B) Member.Defn(x,B). $
MBOX		Necessary Declarative: λ (x,A,B) zεB iff zεA or z=x. $
MBOX		Necesary, Declarative: λ (x,A,B) [⊗6(∀aεA)(aεB)⊗*, and ⊗6(∀b≠x εB)(bεA)⊗*, and ⊗6xεB⊗*] $
MBOX		Sufficient, Quick: B=Insert.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Structures  α→  Structures> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (x,A) [determine the type of structure A is, $
MBOX			say S, then use S-insert.Algs(x,A)]. $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Specializations: Bag-insert, Set-insert, List-insert, Oset-insert. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	Check: 1 heuristic. $

. ASSECG(Set-insert)

MBOX	Name(s): Set-insert, Set insertion, sometimes: Insert, Tag. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative Slow: λ (x,A,B) [⊗6(∀aεA)(aεB)⊗*, and ⊗6(∀b≠x εB)(bεA)⊗*, and ⊗6xεB⊗*] $
MBOX		Recursive Slow: λ (x,A,B) (A={} and B={x}, or else: $
MBOX		   [AND: z←Member.Alg(A); Member.Defn(z,B);  $
MBOX		         Set-insert.Defn(x,Set-delete.Alg(z,A),Set-delete.Alg(z,B)) ]) $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A,B) (A={} and B={x}, or else: $
MBOX		   [AND: z←CAR(A); Member.Defn(z,B);  $
MBOX		         Set-insert.Defn(x,CDR(A),Set-delete.Alg(z,B)) ]) $
MBOX		Declarative: λ (x,A,B) (∀z) zεB iff zεA α⊗ z=x. $
MBOX		Quick: B=Set-insert.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Sets  α→  Sets> $
FBOX	Algorithms:$$ Actually, this operation, like all the other structural
operations, are much more sophisticated than this simple presentation implies.
In this case, if A is not supplied, AM chooses a random example of a Set and
inserts x into that set. 
If x is missing, 
then AM finds a random example of
Anything and inserts it into A. $ %
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A) (if Member.Defn(x,A) then A, else MERGE(x,A))) $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A) (MERGE(x,A) and Elim-adjacent-mult-elements(A)) $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A) (if A={} then {x}, else if A={x} then A, else $
MBOX		   [z←CAR(A); if z=x then A, else CONS(z,Set-insert.Alg(x,CDR(A)))]). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Insert $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
FBOX	What:$$ 
The `What' facet doesn't really exist, but is occasionally present in this Appendix
for the aid of the reader. 
A fuller English description of any concept can be obtained by looking in the
alphabetical summary of concepts, in Chapter {[2]KNOWL}, beginning on page
{[3]BRIEFC}. $ If x isn't already in A, then add it and re-sort the set A. %

. ASSECG(Oset-insert)

MBOX	Name(s): Oset-insert, Oset insertion, sometimes: Insert; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Delcarative Slow: λ (x,A,B) [⊗6(∀aεA)(aεB)⊗*, and ⊗6(∀b≠x εB)(bεA)⊗*, and ⊗6x=CAR(B)⊗*] $
MBOX		Recursive Slow: λ (x,A,B) (A=[] and B=[x], or else: $
MBOX		   [AND: z←Member.Alg(A); Member.Defn(z,B);  $
MBOX		         Oset-insert.Defn(x,Oset-delete.Alg(z,A),Oset-delete.Alg(z,B)) ]) $
MBOX		Non-recursive, Quick: λ (x,A,B) (B=CONS(x,Oset-delete.Algs(x,A)). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (x,A,B) (B=Oset-insert.Algs(x,A)). $
MBOX		Necessary Quick: λ (x,A,B) (x=CAR(B)). $
MBOX		Necessary, Declarative: λ (x,A,B) (∀z) zεB iff zεA α⊗ z=x. $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Osets  α→  Osets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
FBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A) (CONS(x,[if Member.Defn(x,A) then DREMOVE(x,A)$$
The INTERLISP function DREMOVE(x,A) destructively removes all occurrences of x from
the list structure A. $, %
MBOX			else A])) $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A) (CONS(x,A) and DREMOVE(x,CDR(A))) $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A) (CONS(x,DREMOVE(x,A)) $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A) (if A=[] then [x], else if A=[x...] then A, else $
MBOX		   CONS(x,Oset-delete.Algs(x,A))). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Insert $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Eliminate x from A and add x as the first element of the oset A. $

. ASSECG(List-insert)

MBOX	Name(s): List-insert, List insertion, sometimes: Insert, sometimes: CONS; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive Quick: λ (x,A,B) (B=CONS(x,A)). $
FBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (x,A,B) (A=CDR(B) and x=CAR(B)).$$
Here's how this would really appear in LISP: (LAMBDA (x A B)
MBOX		Quick: λ (x,A,B) (B=List-insert.Algs(x,A)). $
MBOX		Necessary Quick: λ (x,A,B) (x=CAR(B)). $
MBOX		Necessary Quick: λ (x,A,B) (A=CDR(B)). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Lists  α→  Lists> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A)  CONS(x,A). $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (x,A) (if A=<> then <x>, else $
This LISP function means `λ(S,z) add-the element z to the end of list S'. 
CDR means All-but-the-first-element, CAR means The-first-element. 
$(List-insert.Algs(x,All-but-last.Algs(A)),CAR(A)). %
MBOX	Generalizations: Insert $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Add the element x onto the front of the List A. $

. ASSECG(Bag-insert)

MBOX	Name(s): Bag-insert, Bag insertion, sometimes: Insert; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive Quick: λ (x,A,B) (B=SORT(CONS(x,A))). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (x,A,B) (B=Bag-insert.Algs(x,A)). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Bags  α→  Bags> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A)  MERGE(x,A). $
MBOX		Non-recursive: λ (x,A)  SORT(CONS(x,A)). $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (x,A) (if A=() then (x), else $
FBOX		   if CAR(A)<$$
Here, `less than' means `precedes alphanumerically', using ALPHORDER. $x
then CONS(CAR(A),Bag-insert.Algs(x,CDR(A))), else CONS(x,A)). %
MBOX	Generalizations: Insert $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Merge the element x into the Bag A. $


MBOX	Name(s): Delete, Deletion, Remove, sometimes, Subtract; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (x,A,B) [determine the type of structure A and $
MBOX			B are, say S, then use S-Delete.Defn(x,A,B)]. $
FBOX		Slow$$
The List-delete definitions and algorithms are relatively slow, since x might
occur anywhere in A, and it might occur more than once.
Special tricks are available to speed up the other kinds of deletions.
For Set-delete and Oset-delete, we can use DREMOVE, since deleting all
occurrences of x is fine -- there can only be at most one occurrence. For
Bag-delete, we can walk down  the bag and quit when any element is seen
to be alphabetically-greater-than x. These speed-ups are the reason for maintaining
four separate kind  of deletion operations.
$: λ (x,A,B) List-delete.Defn(x,A,B) %
MBOX		Sufficient, Nonrecursive, Quick: λ (x,A,B) NOT(Member.Defn(x,B)). $
MBOX		Sufficient, Quick: B=Delete.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Structures  α→  Structures> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (x,A) [determine the type of structure A is, $
MBOX			say S, then use S-Delete.Algs(x,A)]. $
MBOX		Slow: λ (x,A) List-delete.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Specializations: Set-delete, List-delete, Oset-delete, Bag-delete. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Remove (one occurrence of) x from (the front of) structure A. $

. ASSECG(Set-Delete)

MBOX	Name(s): Set-Delete, Set Deletion, sometimes: Delete; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative Slow: λ (x,A,B) ⊗6(∀aεA)(aεB xor a=x)  ∧  (∀bεB)(bεA)  ∧  ¬xεB⊗* $
MBOX		Recursive Slow: λ (x,A,B) (A={} and B={}, or else A={x} and B={}, or else: $
MBOX		   [AND: z←Member.Alg(A) until z⊗6≠⊗*x; Member.Defn(z,B);  $
MBOX		         Set-Delete.Defn(x,Set-delete.Alg(z,A),Set-delete.Alg(z,B)) ]) $
MBOX		Quick: B=Set-Delete.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Sets  α→  Sets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A)  DREMOVE(x,A) $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A) (if NOT(Member.Defn(x,A)) then A, $
MBOX								else DREMOVE(x,A))) $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A) (if A={} then {}, else if A={x} then {}, else $
MBOX		   [z←CAR(A); if z=x then CDR(A), else CONS(z,Set-Delete.Alg(x,CDR(A)))]). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Delete $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: remove the element x from the set S, if it's there initially. $

. ASSECG(Bag-Delete)

MBOX	Name(s): Bag-Delete, Bag Deletion, sometimes: Delete; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive Slow: λ (x,A,B) (A=() and B=(), or else (A=(x...) and B=CDR(A), $
MBOX			or else Bag-delete.Defn(x,CDR(A),CDR(B). $
MBOX		Quick: B=Bag-Delete.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Bags  α→  Bags> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
FBOX		Non-recursive quick opaque$$
This algorithm is labelled Opaque because it contains very tight `sneaky' code,
implementing a highly non-standard linked data structure deletion algorithm.
The call on the Interlisp function MEMBER binds z
to the tail of A, beginning with the first occurrence of x.
$: λ (x,A) [z←(MEMBER(x,A); %
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A) (if A=() then (), else if CAR(A)=x then CDR(A), else $
MBOX		   CONS(CAR(A),Bag-Delete.Alg(x,CDR(A)))). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Delete $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: remove one copy of x from the Bag A, if x was int there initially. $

. ASSECG(List-Delete)

MBOX	Name(s): List-Delete, List Deletion, sometimes: Delete; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive Slow: λ (x,A,B) (A=<> and B=<>, or else CAR(A)=x and CDR(A)=B, $
MBOX			or else List-delete.Defn(x,CDR(A),CDR(B). $
MBOX		Quick: B=List-Delete.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything, Lists  α→  Lists> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
FBOX		Non-recursive quick opaque: λ (x,A) FRPLACD(z←(MEMBER(x,A),CDDR(Z)) %
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A) (if A=<> then <>, else if CAR(A)=x then CDR(A), else $
MBOX		   CONS(CAR(A),List-Delete.Alg(x,CDR(A)))). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Delete $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: remove the first copy of x from the List A, if x is in A. $

. ASSECG(Oset-Delete)

MBOX	Name(s): Oset-Delete, Oset Deletion, sometimes: Delete; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive Slow: λ (x,A,B) (A=[] and B=[], or else CAR(A)=x and CDR(A)=B, $
MBOX			or else Oset-delete.Defn(x,CDR(A),CDR(B). $
MBOX		Recursive Slow: λ (x,A,B) (A=[] and B=[], or else A=[x] and B=[], or else: $
MBOX		   [AND: z←Member.Alg(A) until z⊗6≠⊗*x; Member.Defn(z,B);  $
MBOX		         Set-Delete.Defn(x,Set-delete.Alg(z,A),Set-delete.Alg(z,B)) ]) $
MBOX		Necessary Quick: λ(x,A,B) (CAR(A)=CAR(B) xor CAR(A)=x). $
MBOX		Quick: B=Oset-Delete.Algs(x,A). $
MBOX	Domain/range: [Anything, Osets  α→  Osets] $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
FBOX		Non-recursive quick opaque: λ (x,A) DREMOVE(x,A). %
FBOX		Non-recursive quick opaque: λ (x,A) FRPLACD(z←(MEMBER(x,A),CDDR(z)) %
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A) (if A=[] then [], else if CAR(A)=x then CDR(A), else $
MBOX		   CONS(CAR(A),Oset-Delete.Alg(x,CDR(A)))). $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A) (if NOT(Member.Defn(x,A)) then A, $
MBOX    							else DREMOVE(x,A))) $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (x,A)  DREMOVE(x,A) $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,A) (if A=[] then [], else if A=[x] then [], else $
MBOX			[z←CAR(A); if z=x then CDR(A), else $
MBOX				if z>x then A, else Oset-Delete.Alg(x,CDR(A)))]). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Delete $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: remove the element x from the Oset A, if it's present there initially. $


MBOX	Name(s): Intersect, Intersection, sometimes: Product; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B,C) [determine the type of structure A and $
MBOX			B are, say S, then use S-Intersect.Defn(A,B,C)]. $
MBOX		Slow: λ (A,B,C) List-intersect.Defn(A,B,C) $
MBOX		Necessary, Nonrecursive: λ (A,B,C) Member.Defn(x,C) iff  $
MBOX			Member.Defn(x,A) and Member.Defn(x,B). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Intersect.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Structures Structures  α→  Structures> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B) [determine the type of structure A and B are, $
FBOX			say S,$$ 
S might be `Sets', or S can be `Lists', etc. 
$ then use S-Intersect.Algs(A,B)]. %
MBOX		Slow: λ (A,B) List-Intersect.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Specializations: Set-intersect, Bag-intersect, List-intersect, Oset-intersect. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $

. ASSECG(List-Intersect)

MBOX	Name(s): List-Intersect, List-Intersection, sometimes: Intersect. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A=<> then C=<>, else $
MBOX			if Member.Defn(CAR(A),B) then [CAR(A)=CAR(C) and $
MBOX			List-intersect.Defn(CDR(A),List-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B),CDR(C))], else $
MBOX			List-intersect.Defn(CDR(A),B,C). $
MBOX		Quick: C=List-Intersect.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Lists Lists α→ Lists> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Non-recursive: λ (A,B) [for each x in A (in order), do the following: $
MBOX			if Member.Defn(x,B) then List-delete.Alg(x,B), else List-delete.Alg(x,A). $
MBOX			Finally, return the value of `A' as the result. $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=<> then <>, else if Member.Defn(CAR(A),B) $
MBOX			then CONS(CAR(A),List-intersect.Alg(CDR(A),List-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B))), $
MBOX			else List-intersect.Alg(CDR(A),B). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Intersect $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Move along list A. Remove it (once) from B if it's there, else from A. Return A. $

. ASSECG(Oset-Intersect)

MBOX	Name(s): Oset-Intersect, Oset-Intersection, sometimes: Intersect. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
FBOX		Recursive$$
The difference between this definition and the similar one for List-intersect is
that here we can use the very fast DREMOVE algorithm stored in Oset-Delete.Alg,
whereas for lists it was necessary to use a slow List-delete algorithm. 
$: λ (A,B,C)  if A=[] then C=[], else %
FBOX			if CAR(A)ε$$
To save space, we may henceforth write `xεB' to mean `Member.Defn(x,B)'.
$B then [CAR(A)=CAR(C) and %
MBOX			Oset-intersect.Defn(CDR(A),Oset-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B),CDR(C))], else $
MBOX			Oset-intersect.Defn(CDR(A),B,C). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Oset-Intersect.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX		Once Early Quick Opaque: λ (A,B,C) if B is shorter than A, $
MBOX			then Oset-intersect.Defn(B,A,C). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Osets Osets α→ Osets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Once Early Quick Opaque: λ (A,B) if B is shorter than A, $
MBOX			then Oset-intersect.Alg(B,A). $
MBOX		Non-recursive: λ (A,B) [for each x in A (in order), do the following: $
MBOX			if x⊗6¬ε⊗*B then DREMOVE(x,A). Finally, return the value of A. $
MBOX		Non-recursive: λ (A,B) [for each x in A (in order), do the following: $
MBOX			if x⊗6ε⊗*B then Oset-delete.Alg(x,B), else Oset-delete.Alg(x,A). $
MBOX			Finally, return the value of `A' as the result. $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=[] then [], else if CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B $
MBOX			then CONS(CAR(A),Oset-intersect.Alg(CDR(A),Oset-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B))), $
MBOX			else Oset-intersect.Alg(CDR(A),B). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Intersect $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Move along Oset A, eliminating elements not found in Oset A. $

. ASSECG(Set-Intersect)

MBOX	Name(s): Set-Intersect, Set-Intersection, sometimes: Intersect. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Once Early Quick Opaque: λ (A,B,C) if B is shorter than A, $
MBOX			then Set-intersect.Defn(B,A,C). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B,C)  if A={} then C={}, else $
MBOX			z←Some-memb.Alg(A); $
MBOX			If Member.Defn(z,B) $
MBOX			then [Member.Defn(z,C) and Set-intersect.Defn(Set-delete.Alg(z,A), $
MBOX					Set-delete.Alg(z,B), $
MBOX					Set-delete.Alg(z,C))] $
MBOX			else Set-intersect.Defn(Set-delete.Alg(z,A),B,C). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive Declarative: For all ⊗6x, xεC iff xεA and xεB⊗*. $
MBOX		Quick: C=Set-Intersect.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Sets Sets α→ Sets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Once Early Quick Opaque: λ (A,B) if B is shorter than A, $
MBOX			then Set-intersect.Alg(B,A). $
MBOX		Non-recursive: λ (A,B) [for each x in A, do the following: $
MBOX			if x⊗6¬ε⊗*B then DREMOVE(x,A). Finally, return the value of A. $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A={} then {}, else if CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B $
MBOX			then CONS(CAR(A),Set-intersect.Alg(CDR(A),Set-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B))), $
MBOX			else Set-intersect.Alg(CDR(A),B). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Intersect $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Eliminate any elements of Set A which are absent from Set B. $

. ASSECG(Bag-Intersect)

MBOX	Name(s): Bag-Intersect, Bag-Intersection, sometimes: Intersect. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Once Early Quick Opaque: λ (A,B,C) if B is shorter than A, $
MBOX			then Bag-intersect.Defn(B,A,C). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B,C)  if A=() then C=(), else $
MBOX			z←CAR(A); If Member.Defn(z,B) then [Member.Defn(z,C) and $
MBOX			Bag-intersect.Defn(CDR(A),Bag-delete.Alg(z,B),Bag-delete.Alg(z,C))] $
MBOX			else Bag-intersect.Defn(CDR(A),B,C). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Bag-Intersect.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Bags Bags α→ Bags> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Once Early Quick Opaque: λ (A,B) if B is shorter than A, $
MBOX			then Bag-intersect.Alg(B,A). $
MBOX		Non-recursive: λ (A,B) [for each x in A, do the following: $
MBOX			if x⊗6ε⊗*B then B←Bag.delete.Alg(x,B), else A←Bag-delete.Alg(x,A). $
MBOX			Finally, return the value of A. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Intersect $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: the intersection of bags A and B should contain all common elements, $
MBOX		with each element occurring the ⊗4minimum⊗* number of times it occurs in A or B. $


MBOX	Name(s): Union, Join, Unite, sometimes: Combine, Append, Sum. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B,C) [determine the type of structure A and $
MBOX			B are, say S, then use S-Union.Defn(A,B,C)]. $
MBOX		Necessary, Nonrecursive: λ (A,B,C) For all x, ⊗6xεC iff xεA or xεB⊗* $
MBOX		Quick: C=Union.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Structures Structures  α→  Structures> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B) [determine the type of structure A and B are, $
FBOX			say S,$$ 
S might be `Sets', or S can be `Lists', etc. 
$then use S-Union.Algs(A,B)]. %
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B) [determine the type of structure A and B are, $
MBOX			say S, then do S-insert.Alg(CAR(A),Union(CDR(A),B))]. $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Specializations: Set-Union, Bag-Union, List-Union, Oset-Union. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $

. ASSECG(List-Union)

MBOX	Name(s): List-Union, Append, Nconc, List-join, sometimes: Union. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A=<> then C=B, else $
MBOX			CAR(A)=CAR(C) and List-union.Defn(CDR(A),B,CDR(C)). $
MBOX		Quick: C=List-Union.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Lists Lists α→ Lists> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick, Non-destructive, Opaque: λ (A,B) (APPEND A B). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick, Destructive, Opaque: λ (A,B) (NCONC A B). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=<> then B, else $
MBOX			CONS(CAR(A),List-Union.Alg(CDR(A),B)). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Union $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Append list B to the end of list A. $

. ASSECG(Oset-Union)

MBOX	Name(s): Oset-Union, Oset-join, sometimes: Union, Append. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A=[] then C=B,  $
MBOX			else CAR(A)=CAR(C) and $
MBOX				Oset-union.Defn[CDR(A), $
MBOX					Oset-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B), $
MBOX					Oset-delete.Alg(CAR(A),C)]. $
MBOX		Quick: C=Oset-Union.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Osets Osets α→ Osets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick, Non-destructive, Opaque: λ (A,B) (APPEND A B). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick, Destructive, Opaque: λ (A,B) (NCONC A B). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=[] then B, else $
MBOX			CONS(CAR(A),Oset-Union.Alg(CDR(A),Oset-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B))). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Union $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Append onto Oset A any new members of Oset B. $
. ASSECG(Set-Union)

MBOX	Name(s): Set-Union, Set-join, sometimes: Union, Append. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive Declarative: λ (A,B,C) ⊗6∀x,  xεC iff xεA or xεB⊗*. $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A={} then C=B, else CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*C and  $
MBOX			Set-union.Defn(CDR(A), $
MBOX				Set-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B),Set-delete.Alg(CAR(A),C)). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Set-Union.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Sets Sets α→ Sets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick, Destructive, Opaque: λ (A,B) (UNION A B). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick, Non-destructive, Opaque: λ (A,B) $
MBOX			(Self-intersect (APPEND A B)). $ 
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A={} then B, else $
MBOX			Set-insert.Alg(CAR(A),Set-Union.Alg(CDR(A),Set-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B))). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A={} then B, else $
MBOX	Generalizations: Union $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Merge into Set A any new members of Set B. $

. ASSECG(Bag-Union)

MBOX	Name(s): Bag-Union, Bag-join, sometimes: Union, Append. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A=() then C=B, else CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*C and  $
MBOX			Bag-union.Defn( $
FBOX					Bag-delete.Alg(CAR(A),A),$$ Yes,
this is really the same as CDR(A), and in the other concepts in this appendix
the shorter form is the one used. 
Here, we decided to show the nice, symmetric form that
AM actually contains. $ %
MBOX					Bag-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B), $
MBOX					Bag-delete.Alg(CAR(A),C)). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Bag-Union.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Bags Bags α→ Bags> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=() then B, else $
MBOX			Bag-insert.Alg(CAR(A),Bag-Union.Alg(CDR(A),Bag-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B))). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Union $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Bag-union(A,B) contains any x belonging to either bag, with multiplicity of x $
MBOX		equal to the ⊗4maximum⊗* of the multiplicity of the element x in A and in B. $


MBOX	Name(s): Difference, Structure-difference, sometimes: Minus, Subtract, Complement. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B,C) [determine the type of structure A and $
MBOX			B are, say S, then use S-Diff.Defn(A,B,C)]. $
MBOX		Necessary, Nonrecursive: λ (A,B,C) For all x, ⊗6xεC iff xεA and ¬xεB⊗* $
MBOX		Quick: C=Difference.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Structures Structures  α→  Structures> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B) [determine the type of structure A and B are, $
MBOX			say S, then use S-Diff.Algs(A,B)]. $
MBOX		Quasi-recursive cases: λ (A,B) [determine the type of structure A and B are, $
MBOX			say S, then do S-delete.Alg(CAR(B),Difference(A,CDR(B)))]. $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Specializations: Set-Diff, Bag-Diff, List-Diff, Oset-Diff. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $

. ASSECG(List-Diff)

MBOX	Name(s): List-Difference, List-diff. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A=<> then C=<>, else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then List-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),List-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B),C), $
MBOX			else CAR(A)=CAR(C)  and  List-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),B,CDR(C)). $
MBOX		Quick: C=List-Diff.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Lists Lists α→ Lists> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (A,B) for x in A (in order), if x is in B, $
MBOX 			then use List-delete to remove an x from A and B. $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=<> then <>, else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then List-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),List-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B)), $
MBOX			else CONS(CAR(A),List-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B)). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Difference $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Move x along A. If x is also in B, remove it from A and from B. $

. ASSECG(Oset-Diff)

MBOX	Name(s): Oset-Difference, Oset-diff. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A=[] then C=[], else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Oset-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),Oset-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B),C), $
MBOX			else CAR(A)=CAR(C)  and  Oset-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),B,CDR(C)). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Oset-Diff.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Osets Osets α→ Osets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (A,B) for x in A, if x is in B, then remove x from A and B. $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=[] then [], else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Oset-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),Oset-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B)), $
MBOX			else CONS(CAR(A),Oset-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B)). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=[] then [], else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Oset-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B), $
MBOX			else CONS(CAR(A),Oset-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B)). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Difference $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Moving along A, when an element also in B is encountered, $
MBOX		use Oset-delete to remove it from A and from B. $

. ASSECG(Set-Diff)

MBOX	Name(s): Set-Difference, Set-diff. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A={} then C={}, else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Set-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),Set-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B),C), $
MBOX			else CAR(A)=CAR(C)  and  Set-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),B,CDR(C)). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Set-Diff.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX		Declarative Nonrecursive: λ (A,B,C) ⊗6∀x,  xεC iff xεA and ¬xεB⊗*. $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Sets Sets α→ Sets> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (A,B) for x in A, if x is in B, then remove x from A and B. $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A={} then {}, else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Set-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),Set-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B)), $
MBOX			else CONS(CAR(A),Set-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B)). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A={} then {}, else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Set-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B), $
MBOX			else CONS(CAR(A),Set-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B)). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Difference $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Members of set A which are not in Set B. $

. ASSECG(Bag-Diff)

MBOX	Name(s): Bag-Difference, Bag-diff. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (A,B,C)  if A=() then C=(), else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Bag-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),Bag-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B),C), $
MBOX			else CAR(A)=CAR(C)  and  Bag-Diff.Defn(CDR(A),B,CDR(C)). $
MBOX		Quick: C=Bag-Diff.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Bags Bags α→ Bags> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (A,B) for x in A, if x is in B, then remove an x from A and B. $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) if A=() then (), else $
MBOX			If CAR(A)⊗6ε⊗*B then Bag-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),Bag-delete.Alg(CAR(A),B)), $
MBOX			else CONS(CAR(A),Bag-Diff.Alg(CDR(A),B)). $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (A,B) If B=() then A, else $
MBOX			If CAR(B)⊗6ε⊗*A then Bag-diff.Alg(Bag-delete.Alg(CAR(B),A),CDR(B)), $
MBOX			else  Bag-diff.Alg(A,CDR(B)). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Difference $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: Move x along Bag B, removing one copy of each x from Bag A. $


MBOX	Name(s): Conjecture, Conjec, Hypothesis, Guess, Observation, Thesis, Belief. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick: λ (x) Match x with <CONJEC: ...> $
MBOX	Generalizations: Object $
FBOX	In-domain-of: Prove$$
At the moment, none of these three concepts is in AM.
$, Disprove, Test %
FBOX	In-range-of: none$$ Conjectures are produced by heuristic rules,
not mechanically by running some Active concept. $. %
MBOX	Worth: 200. $


MBOX	Name(s): Atom, Atomic object, sometimes: element. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, Quick, Opaque: λ (x) ATOM(x) $
FBOX	Specializations: Truth-value, Variable$$ 
Many of the nouns in this box are not implemented as concepts in AM;
e.g., Variable, Identifier, UNPACK, MKATOM,... $, Identifier. %
MBOX	Generalizations: Object $
MBOX	In-domain-of: UNPACK; NthCHAR$
MBOX	In-range-of: MKATTOM, PACK; $
MBOX	View: To view any structure S as an atom, apply PACK to it. $
FBOX	Worth: 100. $$ The absence of any heuristics here just emphasizes
the fact that literal constants, identifiers, variables, T, etc. have very
little in common that ALL objects don't share. $ %


MBOX	Name(s): Truth value, Logical constant, T/F, α{T,Fα}. $
FBOX	Definitions: none.$$ Since no definition is provided, AM never
generalized or specialized this concept, looked for new examples of it, etc. $ %
MBOX	Examples: True (T,Y,Yes), False (NIL,F,N,No). $
MBOX	Generalizations: Atom-obj $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Negation  $
MBOX	In-range-of: all predicates; the Defn facet of each concept. $
FBOX	View: to view anything x as a truth value, do: λ (x) NOT(Equality.Defn(x,NIL)).$$
Thus, as in Lisp itself, an entity is associated with False iff it is null, and
with True iff it is anything else in the world. $ %
MBOX	Worth: 100. $


MBOX	Name(s): Operation, sometimes: function, mapping. $
FBOX	Definitions: none.$$ Recall that all this means is that computationally,
any entity x is considered to be an Operation iff it is in Operation.Exs, or if it
is an example of
some Specialization of this concept. $ %
MBOX	Specializations: Inverted-op, Composition, Canonization, $
FBOX		Coalesced-op, Constructive-op$$ The concepts of Constructive
and Destructive operations are not encoded as concepts yet. 
The distinction between specialization of Operation and Example of operation
is quite blurry. E.g., why not consider th class of Insertion operations a whole
specialization of Operation, instead of just an example? The decision as to what
status each operation would have was quite arbitrary, I'm afraid. $ %
MBOX	Generalizations: Active $
MBOX	Examples: Insert, Delete, Union, Intersect, Difference, Compose, Canonize, $
MBOX		Coalesce, Identity, Proj1, Proj2, First-ele, Last-ele, All-but-first-ele, $
MBOX		All-but-last-ele, Restrict, Reverse-ord-pair, Member, Invert, Repeat(2), $
MBOX		Parallel-join(2), Parallel-replace(2). $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Invert, Parallel-join(2), Parallel-replace(2), Repeat(2). $
MBOX	In-range-of: Canonize, Invert, Parallel-join(2), Parallel-replace(2), Repeat(2) $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX 	Fillin: 7 heuristics. $
MBOX	Check: 3 heuristics $
MBOX	Interest: 11 heuristics  $
MBOX	Sugg: 2 heuristics $


MBOX	Name(s): Compose, Composition, sometimes:  afterwards; $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative slow: λ (A,B,C) ⊗6∀x, C(x)=A(B(x)⊗*. $
MBOX		Sufficient Nonrecursive Quick: λ (A,B,C) C has the Name `A-o-B'. $
MBOX		Sufficient, Slow: Are-equivalent(C,Compose.Algs(A,B)). $
MBOX		Sufficient, Quick: C=Compose.Algs(A,B). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Active Active α→ Active> $
FBOX			<Operation Active α→ Operation>$$
Note that while this entry would imply that Operation.In-ran-of and 
Operation.In-dom-of could both contain `Compose' as an entry, only the most
general concept (i.e., `Active') has `Compose' in its In-dom-of and
In-ran-of facets. $ %
MBOX			<Predicate Active α→ Predicate> $
MBOX			<Relation Relation α→ Relation> $
FBOX	Algorithms: $$ An algorithm for COMPOSE is a procedure for taking a
pair of operations, i.e. a pair of concepts G and H, 
and creating a new active concept F which
is defined to be their composition, whose Algorithms facet contains 
`λ (x) G(H(x))',
or, more precisely, `(APPLYB G ALGS (APPLYB H ALGS x))'. $ %
MBOX		Distributed: use the heuristics attached to Compose to guide the filling $
MBOX			in of various facets of the new composition. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Operation  $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 300 $
MBOX	Fillin: 9 heuristics. $
MBOX	Check: 2 heuristic. $
MBOX	Suggest: 2 heuristics. $
MBOX	Interest: 11 heuristics. $



MBOX	Name(s): Canonize, Canonicalize, Standardize, sometimes: normalize. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Slow: λ (P1,P2,F) P1 and P2 are predicates over AxA, $
MBOX			and F is an operation from A to A, $
FBOX			and (∀x,yεA) P1(x,y) iff P2(F(x),F(y)).$$
Some examples of this: (i) P1=Same-length, P2=Equality, F=Length, A=Lists.
(ii) P1=Reversed-at-top-level, P2=Reversed-at-all-levels, F=Reverse-each-element,
(iii) P1=Reversed-at-top-level, P2=Reversed-at-all-levels, F=Hash-each-element,
A=Lists. (iv) P1=Congruent-triangles, P2=Identically-equal, 
F=Translate-and-rotate-to-standard-position, A=Triangles.
The typical use for ths concept is: given P2, find P1 and F. Or: given P1 and
P2, find F. $ %
MBOX		Sufficient, slow: Are-equivalent(F,Canonize.Algs(P1,P2)). $
MBOX		Sufficient, quick: F=Canonize.Algs(P1,P2). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Predicate Predicate α→ Operation> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Distributed: use the heuristics attached to Canonize to guide the filling $
MBOX			in of various facets of the new canonization. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Operation  $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX	Fillin: 6 heuristics. $
MBOX	Suggest: 5 heuristics. $


MBOX	Name(s): Coalesce, Self-apply, Condense, Collapse, Argument coincidence. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative slow: λ (F,G) The domain of G has been collapsed, compared to F's, $
MBOX			by the removal of one domain component D, and an algorithm for G $
MBOX			is just a call on F, with two arguements the same. The only constraint $
MBOX			on this situation is that the domain component from which $
FBOX			duplicate argument is drawn is itself a specialization of D.$$
Some examples of this:
(i) Coalesce.Defn(TIMES,Square), because TIMES.Domain/range contains
<Number Number α→ Number> and Square.Domain/range contains <Number α→ Number>, and
a definition of Square is `Times(x,x)', and clearly Number is a specialization of
Number (a vacuous specialization). So Square is a coalesced form of TIMES.
(ii) Coalesce.Defn(Insert,Self-insert), where the latter concept is defined as
Insert(S,S). The domain of Insert is Anything x Structure; the domain
of the new operation is
just Structure. This passes Coalesce.Defn because Structure is a specialization
of Anything: if we can insert ANYTHING into a structure, then certainly
it is permissable to insert a STRUCTURE into a structure.
(iii) Coalesce.Defn(Equality,Constant-T) because Equality is reflexive (x=x always).
$ %
MBOX		Necessary, quick: λ (F,G) The length of each Domain/range entry for $
MBOX			F is one larger than the length of each entry on G.Dom/range. $
MBOX		Necessary, quick: λ (F,G) The range of both F and G are equal. $
MBOX		Sufficient, slow: λ (F,G) Are-equivalent(G,Coalesce.Algs(F)). $
MBOX		Sufficient, quick: λ (F,G) G=Coalesce.Algs(F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Active α→ Active> $
MBOX			<Operation  α→ Operation> $
MBOX			<Predicate  α→ Predicate> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Distributed: use the heuristics attached to Coalesce to guide the filling $
MBOX			in of various facets of the new Coalesced concept. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Operation  $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 300 $
MBOX	Fillin: 4 heuristics. $
MBOX	Check: 1 heuristic. $
MBOX	Suggest: 2 heuristics. $


MBOX	Name(s): Restrict, Constrain the domain/range of an active. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
FBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (F,G) The domain/range of G are more restrictive$$
That is, one (or more) 
component of the G.Domain/range entry is a proper specialization of
the corresponding F.Dom/ran entry, and all the other components match up 
equally. $ %
MBOX			than that of F, and G.Defn is just a call on F.Defn. $
MBOX		Sufficient, Quick: λ (F,G) G=Restrict.Algs(F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Active α→ Active> $
MBOX			<Operation  α→ Operation> $
MBOX			<Predicate  α→ Predicate> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Distributed: use the heuristics attached to Restrict to guide the filling $
MBOX			in of various facets of the new Restricted concept. $
MBOX			Plus: an explicit little program for making the substitution $
MBOX				in the Domain/range facet, which is the essence of this concept. $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX	Fillin: 3 heuristics. $


MBOX	Name(s): Invert, Find the inverse of an operation. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative slow: λ (F,G) The domain of G is the range of F, plus all the $
MBOX			domain components of F except one, D; the range of G is then D. $
MBOX			The value of G.Defn(x1,...,r,...,d) must be the same as the value $
MBOX			the value of F.Defn(x1,...,d,...,r), for any x1,...,d, and r. $
MBOX		Necessary, quick: λ (F,G) The length of each Domain/range entry for $
MBOX			F is the same as the length of each entry on G.Dom/range. $
MBOX		Necessary, quick: λ (F,G) Taken as SETS, a domain/range entry from F$
MBOX			and one from G are actually Equal. $
MBOX		Sufficient quick: λ (F,G) G has the Name `F-inverse'. $
MBOX		Quick: λ (F,G) G=Invert.Algs(F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Operation  α→ Operation> $
MBOX			<Operation  α→ Inverted-op> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Distributed: use the heuristics attached to Invert to guide the filling $
MBOX			in of various facets of the new Inverted concept. $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 300 $
MBOX	Fillin: 1 heuristic. $
MBOX	Suggest: 1 heuristic. $


MBOX	Name(s): Inverted operation,Inverse, sometimes: converse. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative slow: λ (F) For some known operation G, Invert.Defn(G,F). $
MBOX		Necessary, quick: λ (F) The range of F is one single known concept. $
MBOX		Sufficient quick: λ (F) F has the Name `G-inverse' for some G. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Operation $
FBOX	In-domain-of: Invert.$$ This just means that such operations are themselves
easily invertable. $ %
MBOX	In-range-of: Invert $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $


MBOX	Name(s): Parallel-replace2, Map-replace2, Parallel-substitute. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quick: G=Parallel-Replace2.Algs(S1,S2,F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Type-of-structure Type-of-structure Operation α→ Operation> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S1,S2,F,G) ⊗6G is an operation whose domain is S1xS2 and  $
MBOX			whose range is Range(F). For any structures s1εS1, s2εS2, $
MBOX			G(s1,s2) is compute by replacing each element x of s1 by the$
MBOX			value of F(x,s2). Notice this means that F must be an operation $
MBOX			with a domain/range entry of the form <D S2 α→ R>, where R is $
MBOX			unconstrained, but D is either `Anything' or -- if S1 is $
MBOX			of the form `Structure-of-E's' -- E. $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (S1,S2,F) if F(x,y) doesn't depend on y, $
MBOX			then just do Parallel-replace.Algs(S1,F). $
MBOX	Specializations: Parallel-replace $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: create a new operation, which takes 2 structures S1 and S2, and replaces each $
MBOX		member x of S1 by F(x,S2). $


MBOX	Name(s): Parallel-replace, Map-replace, Parallel-substitute, MAPCAR. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S1,F,G) G=Parallel-Replace.Algs(S1,F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Type-of-structure Operation α→ Operation> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S1,F,G) ⊗6G is an operation whose domain is S1 and  $
MBOX			whose range is Range(F). For any structure s1εS1, $
MBOX			G(s1) is computed by replacing each element x of s1 by the $
MBOX			value of F(x). Notice this means that F must be an operation $
MBOX			with a domain/range entry of the form <D α→ R>, where R is $
MBOX			unconstrained, but D is either `Anything' or -- if S1 is $
MBOX			of the form `Structure-of-E's' -- E. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Parallel-replace2 $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
FBOX	Sugg: 2 heuristics.$$ These actually deal with substitution operations,
the RESULTS of applying Parallel-replace and Parallel-replace2. $ %
MBOX	What: create a new operation, which takes a structures S1, and replaces each $
MBOX		member x of S1 by F(x). $


MBOX	Name(s): Repeat2, Map-repeat2, Iterate2, Map2, MAP2CONC. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S1,S2,F,G)  G=Repeat2.Algs(S1,S2,F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Type-of-structure Type-of-structure Operation α→ Operation> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S1,S2,F ⊗6G=Repeat2(S1,S2,F) is an operation whose $
MBOX			domain is S1xS2 and whose range is Range(F). $
MBOX			For any structures s1εS1, s2εS2, $
MBOX			G(s1,s2) is computed by the following algorithm: $
MBOX			  y←CAR(s1); s1←CDR(s1); $
MBOX			  while s1 do: y←F(y,s2,CAR(s1)); s1←CDR(s1); $
MBOX			  Finally, return y. $
MBOX			Notice this means that F must be an operation whose domain/range $
MBOX			has the form <s1 S2 s1 α→ s1>. $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (S1,S2,F) if F(x,y,z) doesn't depend on z, $
MBOX			then just do Repeat.Algs(S1,F). $
MBOX	Specializations: Repeat $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: create a new operation, which takes 2 structures S1 and S2, and repeats $
MBOX		F(x,y,s2) along the members x,y of S1. $


MBOX	Name(s): Repeat, Map, Iterate, Sequence. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S1,F,G) G=Repeat.Algs(S1,F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Type-of-structure Operation α→ Operation> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S1,F) ⊗6Repeat(S1,F)=G is an operation whose domain $
MBOX			is S1 and whose range is Range(F). For any structure s1εS1, $
MBOX			G(s1) is computed by the following algorithm: $
MBOX			  y←CAR(s1); s1←CDR(s1); $
MBOX			  while s1 do: y←F(y,CAR(s1)); s1←CDR(s1); $
MBOX			  Finally, return y. $
MBOX			Notice this means that F must be an operation whose domain/range $
MBOX			has the form <s1 s1 α→ s1>. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Repeat2 $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: create a new operation which repeats F all the way along an S1. $


MBOX	Name(s): Parallel-join2, Map-join2, Parallel-union2, MAP2CONC. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S1,S2,F,G)  G=Parallel-join2.Algs(S1,S2,F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Type-of-structure Type-of-structure Operation α→ Operation> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S1,S2,F,G) ⊗6G is an operation whose domain is S1xS2 and  $
MBOX			whose range is Range(F). For any structures s1εS1, s2εS2, $
MBOX			G(s1,s2) is compute by appending together the values of F(x,s2), $
MBOX			for each element x in s1. So F has to be an operation $
MBOX			with a domain/range entry of the form <D S2 α→ R>, where R is $
MBOX			a type of structure, but D is either `Anything' or -- if S1 is $
MBOX			of the form `Structure-of-E's' -- E. $
MBOX		Non-recursive quick: λ (S1,S2,F) if F(x,y) doesn't depend on y, $
MBOX			then just do Parallel-join.Algs(S1,F). $
MBOX	Specializations: Parallel-join $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: create a new operation, which takes 2 structures S1 and S2, and joins $
MBOX		together F(x,s2) for each member x of S1. $


MBOX	Name(s): Parallel-join, Map-join, Parallel-union, MAPAPPEND, MAPCONC. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S1,F,G) G=Parallel-join.Algs(S1,F). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Type-of-structure Operation α→ Operation> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S1,F,G) ⊗6G is an operation whose domain is S1 and  $
MBOX			whose range is Range(F). For any structure s1εS1, $
MBOX			G(s1) is computed by appending together the values of F(x), $
MBOX			for each xεs1. Notice this means that F must be an operation $
MBOX			with a domain/range entry of the form <D α→ R>, where R is $
MBOX			a type of structure, and D is either `Anything' or -- if S1 is $
MBOX			of the form `Structure-of-E's' -- E. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Parallel-join2 $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: create a new operation, which takes a structure S1, and joins together $
MBOX		F of each member of S1. $


MBOX	Name(s): Reverse-ord-pair, Reverse ordered pair, Switch CAR and CADR. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (P,Q) First.Alg(P)=Final.Alg(Q), $
MBOX			and Final.Alg(P)=First.Alg(Q). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (P,Q) Q=Reverse-ord-pair.Algs(P). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Ordered-pair  α→ Ordered-pair> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
FBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (P) Q←P; First.Alg(Q,Final.Alg(P))$$ 
The expression First.Alg(A,x) will result in a RPLACA: the first element of A
will be removed, and in its place x will appear. 
Thus First.Alg(<a b c d>, z) will return as its value the new list <z b c d>.
$; Final.Alg(Q,First.Alg(P)); Q. %
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque, nondestructive: λ (P) LIST(CADR(P),CAR(P). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque, destructive: λ (P) z←Last-ele(P); $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque, nondestructive: λ (P) REVERSE(P). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque, destructive: λ (P) DREVERSE(P). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: turn the ordered pair <x,y> into the ordered pair <y,x>. $


MBOX	Name(s): Last-element, Final member. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S,x) z←First-element.Alg(S), and S←Delete.Alg(z,S), $
MBOX			and if Empty-struc.Defn(S) then x=z, else Last-element.Defn(S,x). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S,x) x=Last-element.Algs(S). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Ordered-structure  α→ Anything> $ 
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) z←First-element.Alg(S), and S←Delete.Alg(z,S), $
MBOX			and if Empty-struc.Defn(S) then z, else Last-element.Alg(S). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque: λ (S) CAR(LAST(S)). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
FBOX	What: find the final member of the ordered structure S.$$
Actually, this concept is much more sophisticated. If Last-element.Algs is called
with TWO arguments, S and v, then  the intention is taken to be to REPLACE the
last element of S by the element v. Thus that last element is deleted, and
v is added at the end of S. This is done by: FRPLACA(LAST(S),v).
To review: Last-element.Alg(A,x) resets the final member of A to x, while
Last-element.Defn(A,x) merely tests whether the last member of A is x. $ %


MBOX	Name(s): First-element, Initial member, Head, Front element, CAR. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S,x) z←Last-element.Alg(S), and S←Delete.Alg(z,S), $
MBOX			and if Empty-struc.Defn(S) then x=z, else First-element.Defn(S,x). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S,x) x=First-element.Algs(S). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Ordered-structure  α→ Anything> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) z←Last-element.Alg(S), and S←Delete.Alg(z,S), $
MBOX			and if Empty-struc.Defn(S) then z, else First-element.Alg(S). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, very quick, opaque: λ (S) CAR(S). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
FBOX	What: find the initial member of the ordered structure S.$$
Actually, this operation's algorithm, 
if fed two arguments S and v, will replace the first element of
S by v, using FRPLACA(S,v). So this single concept contains both CAR and FRPLACA
This is not shown explicitly in the entries for First-element.Algs. $ %


MBOX	Name(s): Rear, All but the first element, All-but-first, CDR, Tail, sometimes: back. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S,R) List-delete.Defn(CAR(S),S,R). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S,R) List-insert.Defn(CAR(S),R,S). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S,R) CDR(S)=R. $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S,R) R=Rear.Algs(S). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Ordered-structure  α→ Ordered-structure> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, very quick, opaque: λ (S) CDR(S) $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (S) z←First-ele.Alg(S); List-delete.Algs(z,S). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: remove the initial member of the ordered structure S.$


MBOX	Name(s): All-but-the-last-element, All-but-last, sometimes: front. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S,R) R=All-but-last.Algs(S). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Ordered-structure  α→ Ordered-structure> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, very quick, opaque: λ (S) FRPLACD(LAST(S),NIL). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: remove the final element from the ordered structure S.$


MBOX	Name(s): Some-element, Random member, Any element of, Member, In, Some-member. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (x,S) Nonempty-struc.Defn(S) and $
MBOX			if First-ele.Defn(S,x) then True, $
MBOX				else Member.Defn(x,All-but-first-ele.Alg(S)). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque: λ (x,S) MEMBER(x,S)). $
MBOX		Sufficient, very quick, opaque: λ (x,S) FMEMB(x,S)). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S,x) x=Member.Algs(S). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Structure  α→ Anything> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive opaque: λ (S) CAR(RAND-PERMUTE(S)). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque: λ (S) CAR(S)). $
MBOX		Recursive slow: if S is empty then fail, otherwise if S=(x) then x, $
MBOX			else if RAND(0,1)=1 then First-ele.Alg(S), $
MBOX				else Member.Alg(All-but-last.Alg(S)). $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: find a random member of the structure S. $


MBOX	Name(s): Projection1, First-argument, Proj1. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (x,y,...,z) z=x $
MBOX		Quick: λ (x,y,...q,z) z=Some-element.Algs(x,y,...q). $
FBOX	Domain/range: <←D Anything...Anything α→ `D'> $$ This means that
`D' can be anything, so long as it's the same in both places in  the domain/range
template. Thus this includes <Sets Anything Anything α→ Sets>. $ %
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (x,y,...,q) x. $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Specializations: Identity. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: accept a bunch of arguments and return the first one. $


MBOX	Name(s): Projection2, Second-argument, Proj2. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (x,y,...,z) z=y $
MBOX		Quick: λ (x,y,...q,z) z=Some-element.Algs(x,y,...q). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything ←D Anything...Anything α→ `D'> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (x,y,...,q) y. $
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $
MBOX	Specializations: Identity. $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX	What: accept a bunch of arguments and return the second one. $


MBOX	Name(s): Identity, identity-operation, no-op, Self, no change. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive: λ (x,y) Equality.Defn(x,y) $
MBOX		Nonrecursive transform: λ (x,y) Proj1.Defn(x,x,y) $
MBOX		Nonrecursive transform: λ (x,y) Proj2.Defn(x,x,y) $
MBOX		Sufficient, very quick, opaque: λ (x,y) EQ(x,y)). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (x,y) y=Identity.Algs(x). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything  α→ Anything> $
MBOX	 	<Object α→ Object> $
MBOX	 	<Structures α→ Structures> $
MBOX	 	<Active α→ Active> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (x) x. $
MBOX		Nonrecursive transform: λ (x) Projection1.Algs(x,x). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive transform: λ (x) Projection2.Algs(x,x). $
MBOX	Conjec: `Identity, restricted to Objects, is the same as Obj-Equality.' $
MBOX	Generalizations: Projection1, Projection2. $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: the identity operation, closely related to Equality. $


MBOX	Name(s): Predicate, sometimes: logical operation, Boolean function. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick opaque: λ (P) Range(P) is Truth-value; i.e., α{T,Fα}. $
MBOX	Generalizations: Active $
MBOX	Examples: Equality, Constructive, Destructive, Empty, Nonempty, Constant-pred, $
FBOX		the Defn entries of each concept.$$ 
Thus the predicate `Empty', while it exists in AM, is superflous, since the
definition facet of `Empty-struc' contains that very predicate. $ %
MBOX	In-domain-of: Canonize $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	Fillin: 2 heuristics. $
MBOX	Sugg: 1 heuristic. $
MBOX	Interest: 1 heuristic. $


MBOX	Name(s): Equality, Object equality, Obj-equal, Equal, Same. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive opaque: λ (x,y) EQUAL(x,y) $
MBOX		Sufficient, very quick, opaque: λ (x,y) EQ(x,y)). $
MBOX		Recursive slow: λ (x,y)  x and y are both identical atoms, $
MBOX			or x and y are both empty structures, $
MBOX			or x and y are both nonempty structures and  $
MBOX				Equality.Defn(CAR(x),CAR(y)) and $
MBOX				Equality.Defn(CDR(x),CDR(y)). $
MBOX		Nonrecursive transform slow: λ (x y) Identity.Defn(x,y). $
MBOX		Quick: λ (x,y) y=Equality.Algs(x). $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Object  Object α→ α{T,Fα}> $
MBOX	 	<Structure Structure α→ α{T,Fα}> $
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive quick: λ (x) x. $
MBOX	Conjec: `Identity, restricted to Objects, is the same as Obj-Equality.' $
MBOX	Isa's: Predicate $
MBOX	Worth: 200 $
MBOX	What: the Equality of two list structures; closely related to Identity op. $


MBOX	Name(s): Constant-predicate, Const pred, Logical constant function. $
MBOX	Definitions: none. $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything... Anything α→ α{T,Fα}> $
MBOX	Isa's: Predicate $
MBOX	Specializations: Constant-True, Constant-False $
MBOX	Conjec:  (∀x,∀y) Constant-pred.Defn(x)=Constant-pred.Defn(y). $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: a predicate which always returns the same logical value. $


MBOX	Name(s): Constant-True, Constant T, Always-T, sometimes: Always. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Nonrecursive, very quick: λ (...) T. $
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything... Anything α→ α{T,Fα}> $
MBOX		<Anything... Anything α→ α{Tα}> $
MBOX	Generalizations: Constant-Predicate $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: a predicate which always returns True. $


MBOX	Name(s): Constant-False, Constant F, Always-F, sometimes: Never. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
FBOX		Nonrecursive, very quick: λ (...) F$$ Actually, the value returned
is `NIL', not False or F. $ %
MBOX	Domain/range: <Anything... Anything α→ α{T,Fα}> $
MBOX		<Anything... Anything α→ α{Fα}> $
MBOX	Generalizations: Constant-Predicate $
MBOX	Worth: 100 $
MBOX	What: a predicate which always returns False. $


.ASSEC(Concepts never fully implemented)

The following concepts were designed "on paper"  before AM was coded,
but were never put  into AM -- at least not fully.  Future work on AM
may include  their coding,  insertion  into AM,  and debugging.    An
asterisk (*) means  that a crude, rudimentary version  of the concept
was coded and placed in AM, but had little impact on its behavior.


⊗6Statement:⊗*: would include conjectures, theorems, axioms, hypotheses,
conclusions, relationships.

⊗6Prove,  Disprove,  Proof, Counterexample,  Theorem,  Techniques for
proving   existence,    Techniques    for   establishing    universal
conjectures,...:⊗* altogether about two dozen concepts were designed.

⊗6Mathematical Induction⊗*, including double induction.

⊗6Mathematical theory, system, basis, foundation, axiom, isomorphism,...⊗*

⊗6Cause and effect:⊗* their relation to theory formation.

⊗6Variable, Assignment, Binding, Quantification, Scope,...:⊗* a dozen
concepts along these lines.

⊗6Constant, Identifier,  PNAME/P2NAME,...:⊗* AM  never really  needed
any non-opaque information about these,  although future expansion of
the system should  probably include the coding and insertion of these

⊗6Inverse-coalesce:⊗* Given  an  active concept  F(x),  replace  some
occurrences of  x in F.Defn  by "y",  thereby making a  new operation
which is a function of x and y.

⊗6Negate,  Conjoin, Disjoin, Imply,...⊗*: These logical operators and
relationships  had  too  little  semantic  information   to  make  it
necessary to encode each one into a concept.


(*) ⊗6Constructive,  Destructive:⊗* these two  predicates would judge
any operation.


(*) ⊗6Non-concept⊗*: All entities which  are not concepts. There  was
nothing to say about them, as a whole.


.ASSECP(Concepts and Heuristics as coded in LISP)




The reader may wish  to inspect the actual LISP  encoding of concepts
and their facets -- including heuristis rules. For that reason, a few
pages are excerpted from the AM program and shown below.

The facets  of a concept  are stored  as properties  on its  property
list.   Each facet has  a rigid format that  it must adhere  to; that
format varies from facet to facet.

Two  concepts have been  selected: ⊗4Compose⊗*, which  is larger than
the typical concept, and  ⊗4Oset-structure⊗*, which is a  smaller and
simpler concept.

. ASSSEC(The `Compose' Concept)

.TURN ON "{}";

Here is the property list of the atom "COMPOSE", when AM starts up.
The reader should look for (and find!) parallels between the
complete entries below and the abbreviated summaries on page {[3]COMPP}.
For that reason, after each entry, the corresponding summary line is repeated
(in a box).


⊗5↓_ENGN_↓⊗*$$ This is short for "English name", and is the facet called "Name(s)"
everywhere else in this thesis.$ (COMPOSE Compose Composition (Afterwards))

⊗4Appearance on page {[3]COMPP}:⊗*
MBOX	Name(s): Compose, Composition, sometimes:  afterwards; $


The function "APPLYB" indicates that a concept's facet is to be accessed and then
executed. (APPLYB C F x y...) means: access an entry on facet F of concept C,
and then run it on the arguments x,y,... $ BA1 ALGS (APPLYB BA2 ALGS X] 
		     (AND (ISA BA1 'ACTIVE)
			  (ISA BA2 'ACTIVE)
			  (ISA BA3 'ACTIVE)
This LISP function checks to see whether the two operations have been composed
before. $ BA1 BA2]
		    (APPLYB 'COMPOSE 'ALGS BA1 BA2]$$ The arguments to Compose.Defn
(and to Compose.Algs as well) are called BA1, BA2,... Thus we would write
each definition of Compose as "λ (BA1 BA2 BA3) ..." $

⊗4Appearance on page {[3]COMPP}:⊗*
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Declarative slow: λ (A,B,C) ⊗6∀x, C(x)=A(B(x)⊗*. $
MBOX		Sufficient Nonrecursive Quick: λ (A,B,C) C has the Name `A-o-B'. $
MBOX		Sufficient, Slow: Are-equivalent(C,Compose.Algs(A,B)). $
MBOX		Sufficient, Quick: C=Compose.Algs(A,B). $


This is a LISP function, opaque to AM, which analyzes the Domain/range facets
of the two operations F1 and F2, and sees how (if at all) the range of F1 can
be made to overlap the domain of F2. Note that F2 is applied AFTER F1.
The LISP code for this function is presented on page {[3]CONMERGEP}. $  F1 F2)))
	   [SETQ RAN1 (LAST (ANY1OF (GETB F1 'D-R] (* RAN1 is the range of F1)
	   [SETQ RAN2 (LAST (ANY1OF (GETB F2 'D-R] (* RAN2 is the range of F2)
	   (NCONC1 (LSUBST DOM2 for X in DOM1) RAN1]

⊗4Appearance on page {[3]COMPP}:⊗*
MBOX	Domain/range: <Active Active α→ Active> $
MBOX			<Operation Active α→ Operation> $
MBOX			<Predicate Active α→ Predicate> $
MBOX			<Relation Relation α→ Relation> $
MBOX	Fillin: 2 ⊗4(out of a total of 9)⊗* heuristics. $
FBOX		In Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}, these are heuristics numbers {[3]CDRH1} and {[3]CDRH2}. %


	     ((NULL BA1)
		       (RAND-MEMB (EXS$$ 
The function "EXS" ripples outward from its argument, collecting examples as it 
goes. $ ACTIVE))
		       BA2 BA3 BA4))$$ Note what this clause says: if Compose.Algs
is ever called with its first argument missing, randomly select an Active to
use as that constituent of the composition. $
	     &$$ Similar to last case: takes care of missing second argument.
The ampersand, "&", indicates an omission from this listing. $
	     ((ALREADY-COMPOSED BA1 BA2)   (* Note: this sets GTEMP12)   GTEMP12)
	     ((AND BA1 BA2 (IS-CON$$ 
An abbreviation for (APPLYB 'ANY-CONCEPT 'DEFN BA1); i.e., test whether BA1
is a bona fide concept or not. $ BA1)
		   (IS-CON BA2)
		   (ISA BA1 'ACTIVE)
		   (ISA BA2 'ACTIVE)
	       (* GTEMP12 is now the name of the new composition)
CREATEB is a function which sets up a new blank data structure for a new concept.
$ GTEMP12)
	       (* GUP1 is now the KIND of concept which GTEMP12 is to be an example of.
		   This will usually be "COMPOSE" or some variant of it. )
The function call (INCRB C F X) means: add entry X to the F facet of concept C.
The LISP function "Q" is like a double quote; after one evaluation
(Q X) returns 'X; after one more evaluation, 'X returns X; after
a final evaluation, we get the VALUE of X.
	    (* Another way to fill in an entry for GTEMP12.Defn)
					     (GETB (LASTELE C)  'DEFN]
		(CPRIN1S 8 GTEMP12 turned out to be equivalent to GTEMP308 DCR)$$
A conditional print statement. If the verbosity  level is high enough
(>8), this message  is typed out to the user. Note the intermixing of
variables   (e.g.,   "GTEMP308")    and   undefined   atoms    (e.g.,
"equivalent").  CPRIN1S   examines  each  argument,  and   if  it  is
undefined, it quotes it. $
		       (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (G)
			   (SOME (GETB G 'D-R)
				     (AND (ISA BA1 (CAR D))
					  (ISA BA2 (CADR D))
					  (INCRB GTEMP12 'UP$$ The ISA's facet
is called "UP" in the LISP program. $ (CADDR D))
          (* This last INCRB says that if an operation f maps onto range C, 
	   and we apply f and get a new Being, then that Being ISA C)$$ This
a streamlined, specialized version of the more general
heuristic rule number {[3]GETRR}; see page {[3]GETRRP}. $
		 (* Now see if the composition GTEMP12 shares any ISA's entries with
			either constituent operation: BA1 or BA2)$$
This next MAPC is thus the LISP encoding of heuristic rule number {[3]ISARG};
see page {[3]ISARGP}. $
					       (GETB GTEMP12 'UP]
		       (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Z)
			     ((DEFN Z GTEMP12)
			       (INCRB Z 'EXS GTEMP12)
			       (INCRB GTEMP12 'UP Z]
		   [(GETB GTEMP12 'UP)
		 & (* A similar search now for GENL/SPEC of the composition)
		 & (* Code for synthesizing a Defn entry for GTEMP12)
		       (MAP2CAR (GETB BA1 'WORTH) (GETB BA2 'WORTH) 'TIMES1000))
This is a general-purpose function for testing that there is no hidden
cycle in the Generalization network, that no two concepts are both
generalizations and specializations of each other, unless they are tagged
as being equivalent to each other. $  GTEMP12]]))]

⊗4Appearance on page {[3]COMPP}:⊗*
MBOX	Algorithms: $
MBOX		Distributed: use the heuristics attached to Compose to guide the filling $
MBOX			in of various facets of the new composition. $
FBOX			(The heuristics referred to are shown in Appendix {[3]ALLHEU}.{[3]COMPH}, on page {[3]COMPHP}.) %
MBOX	Fillin: 5 ⊗4(out of a total of 9)⊗* heuristics. $
MBOX	Check: 1 heuristic ⊗4(out of a total of 2)⊗* $


⊗5↓_UP_↓⊗* 		(OPERATION)

⊗4Appearance on page {[3]COMPP}:⊗*
MBOX	Isa's: Operation $


⊗5↓_WORTH_↓⊗* 		(300) 

⊗4Appearance on page {[3]COMPP}:⊗*
MBOX	Worth: 300 $


Note that although the Fillin and Suggest heuristics are blended into the
relevant facets (e.g., into the Algorithms for COMPOSE), the INTERESTINGNESS
type heuristics are kept separate, in this facet. $ [(IMATRIX (1 2 3) (4 5))
				      (LENGTH (GETB BA2 'D-R]
       (REASON (* In some interpretation, Range-of-op2 is 1 component of Domain-of-op1)))
       (REASON (* In canonical interpretation, Range-of-op2 is a component of Domain of op1)))
	(REASON (* This composition preserves some good properties of its constituents))])
	(REASON (* This composition has some new props, not true of either constituent))])
            (GREATERP (GETB BA2 'WORTH) 500)))
       (REASON (* Op1 and/or Op2 are very interesting themselves))])
	           [LENGTH (CAR (GETB BA1 'D-R]
					   [SETQ TMP4 (CAR (LAST (GETB BA2 'D-R]
					   (ALL-BUT-LAST (CAR (GETB BA1 'D-R]
       (REASON (* In canonical interpretation, Range-of-op2 is a specialization of a component 
		  of Domain-of-op1)))
			 (T 250))
	       (COND ([MEMB [CAR (LAST (CAR (GETB BA2 'D-R]
		     (T 250))
       (REASON (* In canonical interpretation, 
		Range-of-op1 is one component of Domain-of-op2))
			      (ALL-BUT-LAST (CAR (GETB BA1 'D-R]
			(T 100))
	       (COND ([ISA [CAR (LAST (CAR (GETB BA2 'D-R]
		     (T 100))
       (REASON (* Range-of-op1 is a specialization of a component of Domain-of-op2] 

⊗4Appearance on page {[3]COMPP}:⊗*
MBOX	Interest: 11 heuristics. $
FBOX		The heuristic rules encoded above are shown in English on page {[3]COMI}. %


⊗4Here is the code for CON-MERGE-ARGS, the function which decides how to overlap
the domain/range facets of its two arguments, F1 and F2:⊗*


    (* As DOMi and RANi are located, Switching of Args may be required, inside PGM1)
		      (MAPCAR (SUB-ONCE 'X
					    ((IS-ONE-OF (CAR RAN2) DOM1))
					 					 (EXS D]
			      (FUNCTION (LAMBDA (Z)
				    ((EQ Z 'X)
				    (T (SETQ GTEMP20 (ADD1 GTEMP20))
				       (CAR (FNTH BA-LIST GTEMP20]
          (* SCHK is a flag which means that f2 maps us into an element of RAN2 which is not guaranteed
	  a priori to be an element of DOM1, hence a check for this applicability of f1 will then have to be made)
      ((FMEMB 'X SAPL)
	    (CPRIN1S 9 CRLF CRLF AM can later coalesce the D-R of F12 DCR)
							     (GETB F2 'WORTH)) 2000))
				   (LIST (SPLIST There is an overlap in the new combined 
						 domain of the operation F12]
	    (SWHY 9 (There is an obvious overlap in (@ GTEMP7),the new combined domain of (@ F12]
⊗4The next piece of this function is the heuristic rule numbered {[3]COAC} in Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}.⊗*
	    (CPRIN1S 10 CRLF CRLF AM may later coalesce the D-R of F12 DCR)
						  (GETB F2 'WORTH))   2500))
				   (LIST (SPLIST There may be an overlap
					    in the new combined domain of the operation F12]
	    (SWHY 10 (There is a subtle overlap in (@ GTEMP7),the new combined domain of (@ F12]
			 (LIST 'X)
			 [LIST 'SETQ 'X
				      (FIRSTN (LENGTH DOM2) (LIST 'BA1 'BA2 'BA3]
					     (LIST 'APPLY* (Q DEFN) (KWOTE SCHK) 'X)
				 (T (LIST 'AND 'X SAPL]
      (T (* Composing is not possible) 	 NIL])


<<Should there be more explanation of the bits of this code? >


. SKIP TO COLUMN 1; ASSSEC(The `Osets' Concept)

Here is the actual property list of the data-structure corresponding to the
Osets concept:

.TURN ON "{}";


⊗5↓_ENGN_↓⊗* (OSET Oset Oset-structure OSET-STRUC, Ordered-set (Set))
		    ((EQUAL BA1 (OSET )) T)
		    ((EQUAL BA1 '(OSET )) T)
		    (T NIL])
⊗5↓_WORTH_↓⊗* 	  (400) 


Compare this with the
way that the "Osets" concept appeared, on page {[3]OSETCP} of
Appendix {[3]ALLCON}.1:

MBOX	Name(s): Oset, Oset-structure, Ordered-set, sometimes: Set. $
MBOX	Definitions: $
MBOX		Recursive: λ (S) (S=[ ] or Oset.Definition(Oset-Delete.Alg(Member.Alg(S),S))) $
MBOX		Recursive quick: λ (S) (S=[ ] or Oset.Definition (CDR(S))) $
MBOX		Quick: λ (S) (Match S with [...] ) $
MBOX	Generalizations: Ordered-Structure, No-multiple-elements-Structure $
MBOX	Worth: 400 $
MBOX	In-domain-of: Oset-union, Oset-intersect, Oset-difference, Oset-insert, Oset-delete $
MBOX	In-range-of: Oset-union, Oset-intersect, Oset-difference, Oset-insert, Oset-delete $
MBOX	View:  To view any structure as a Oset, do: λ (x) Enclose-in-square-brackets(x) $


.ASSECP(Concepts created by AM)

The list below is meant to suggest the  range of AM's definitions; it
is  far from complete,  and most of  the omissions  were real losers.
The concepts are listed  in the order  in which they were  defined.$$
See  Appendix {[2]TRACES}.{[2]TRATS},  p. {[3]TRAT},  for a  detailed
trace  of   how  these  concepts  were  discovered.  Or  see  Section
{[2]RESULT}.{[2]SHORTASK}, p. {[3]SHORTASKP},  for a briefer  version
of  the same development.  $ In  place of the  (usually-awkward) name
chosen by AM, I have given either the standard math/English name  for
the concept, or else a short description of what it is.



Sets with less than 2 elements (singletons and empty sets).
Sets with no atomic elements (nests of braces).
Singleton sets.
Bags containing (multiple occurrences of) just one kind of element.
Superset (contains).
Doubleton bags and sets.
Disjoint bags.
Disjoint sets.
Singleton osets.
Same-length (same number of elements).
Same number of left parentheses, plus identical leftmost atoms.
Count (find the number of elements of a given structure).
Numbers (unary representation).
SUB1 (λ (x) x-1).
Insert x into a given Bag-of-T's (almost ADD1, but not quite).
Subtract (except: if x<y, then the result of x-y will be zero$$ 
 This is "natural-number subtract", in the same spirit of naming as we find for
 "Integer division". $).
Less than or equal to.
Union of a ⊗4bag⊗* of structures.
& (the ampersand represents the creation of several real losers.)
Compose a given operation F with itself (form F-o-F).
Insert structure S into itself.
Try to delete structure S from itself (a loser).
Double (add `x' to itself).
Subtract `x' from itself (as an operation, this is a real zero$$ a natural zero? $).
Square (TIMES(x,x)).
Union structure S with itself.
Coalesced-replace2: replace each element s of S by F(s,s).
Coalesced-join2: append together F(s,s), for each member s⊗6ε⊗*S.
Coa-repeat2: create a new op which takes a struc S, op F, and repeats F(s,t,S) all along S.
Compose three operations: λ(F,G,H) F-o-(G-o-H).
Compose three operations: λ(F,G,H) (F-o-G)-o-H.
& (lots of losing compositions created, e.g. Self-insert-o-Set-union.)
ADD-1-(x): all ways of representing x as the sum of a bunch of nonzero numbers.
G-o-H, s.t. H(G(H(x))) is always defined (wherever H is), and G and H are interesting.
Size-o-ADD-1-. (λ (n) The number of ways to partition n)
Halving  (in natual numbers only; thus Halving(15)=7).
Even numbers.
Integer square-root.
Perfect squares.
Primes (Numbers-with-2-divisors).
Squares of primes (Numbers-with-3-divisors).
Squares of squares of primes.
Square-roots of primes (a loser).
TIMES-1-(x): all ways of representing x as the product of a bunch of numbers (>1).
All ways of representing x as the product of just one number (a trivial notion).
All ways of representing x as the product of primes.
All ways of representing x as the sum of primes.
All ways of representing x as the sum of two primes.
Numbers uniquely representable as the sum of two primes.
Products of squares.
Multiplication by 1.
Multiplication by 0.
Multiplication by 2.
Addition of 0.
Addition of 1.
Addition of 2.
Product of even numbers.
Sum of squares.
Sum of even numbers.
& (losers: various compositions of 3 operations.)
Pairs of perfect squares whose sum is also a perfect square (x↑2+y↑2=z↑2).
Prime pairs (p,p+2 are prime).
 ⊗8 # # #⊗*